Welcome to Redeemer Bible Fellowship!
Thank you for visiting our website! Here at Redeemer, we appreciate and cultivate close-knit relationships for edification, accountability, and the building up of God's kingdom. If you're looking for a church, we would love for you to prayerfully consider making Redeemer your home.
Our calling as a church is to magnify and herald the beauty of Christ and His redemptive work on the cross. As such, Redeemer is radically committed to helping you live cross-centered, Christ-exalting lives in the midst of a fallen and broken world.
Though we are an imperfect church, we pray that by God's grace the ministries at Redeemer will deepen your satisfaction in the Redeemer, the founder and perfecter of our faith. And we pray that it would result in acts of grace and mercy in our community and beyond.
If you have any questions or needs, please feel free to contact me or the rest of the pastoral staff here at Redeemer.
Stephen Chen
Frequently Asked Questions
May I Bring My Children?
Come worship with your whole family! Although we have a well-supplied nursery, as well as age-specific Sunday Schools and programs, we encourage the family to worship together (see here) and value avenues for discipleship.
What should I wear?
There is no dress code at church - come smart or casual and you'll fit right in.
WHEN IS Communion?
On the first Sunday of each month, we have communion together at the end of our worship service to celebrate Jesus' death and resurrection. If you are a baptized Christian, you are welcome to join us in this meal. If you have not yet been baptized, we are happy to have you observe communion, but we kindly ask that you do not partake of the elements.