We desire to help train men to be pastors who will lovingly shepherd their flocks (1 Peter 5:1-3) for the benefit of the church and for the glory of God.

Pastoral Internship

Our pastoral internship is meant to unveil regular, day-to-day ministerial life and provide men aspiring to be pastors with an ecclesiological and pastoral grid for the work of ministry.

RBF interns will spend much of their time engaging in conversation with great pastors and theologians from the past. Through these conversations, interactions with staff pastors, and participation in the life of our church, interns will be exposed to the unique joys and challenges of biblical faithfulness in an immigrant church context.

We offer the internship program to men throughout the year. It is designed to last at least three months but can be extended depending on the individual’s particular situation.

We welcome applications from men with an undergraduate degree who are interested in full-time pastoral ministry.

Interns will receive a monthly stipend for food and miscellaneous expenses, but no additional benefits. A vehicle is necessary during the program.

Download our application for additional details.


Pastoral Residency

Our pastoral residency is aimed at providing an avenue for men considering ministry, but who have not yet found a full-time position, to hone their gifts so that they might be better prepared for future ministry in the local church. It provides actual ministry experience and active mentorship from the staff pastors.

The residency program is a 1-year position with an option to extend the program for 1 additional year. After the residency is completed, we hope that residents would: 1) serve at our church in a staff role, 2) serve at another church in a staff role, or 3) commit to serving in lay ministry for the immediate future until the Lord determines otherwise.

We welcome applications from qualified men with a Masters of Divinity degree (or equivalent) who are interested in full-time pastoral ministry.

Residents will receive a monthly salary and paid time off, but no additional benefits. A vehicle is necessary during the program.

Download our application for additional details.


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