Spring 2025
The Dynamic Heart in Daily Life: Connecting Christ to Human Experience
Jeremy Pierre
New Growth Press, 2016
272 Pages
Our hearts are the seat of our thoughts, desires, and volition. While God was the intended Object of the heart's thinking, wanting, and willing, the fall rendered it desperately wicked. We can assent to a biblical truth and turn our affections Godward today, and yet willfully dive headlong into sin tomorrow. Is there hope for the heart of man? Jeremy Pierre examines the transformative work of God in the hearts of those who have embraced Jesus Christ through faith. There's hope for reorienting wayward hearts to think, want, and will after God, as He originally intended, engaging with Him in real-time through the ebb and flow of everyday life.
- Brian Chang
Winter 2024
Christian Disciplines For The Christian Life
Donald S. Whitney
NavPress, 2014
352 pages
1 Timothy 4:7 (NASB) says: “Discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness.” It is essential that Christians pursue holiness to grow in godliness. Donald S. Whitney argues that the path to Christian maturity and godliness must include the spiritual disciplines. These are not subjective practices, rather, they are the practices we find in Scripture that promote spiritual growth. While the more obvious disciplines are covered, this resource can also spur us on towards the more neglected practices of fasting, evangelism, and silence and solitude. Whitney provides a helpful resource to encourage believers in their disciplines, while outlining many practical tips to get us started.
- Ryan Choy
Fall 2024
Impossible Christianity: Why Following Jesus Does Not Mean You Have to Change the World
Kevin DeYoung
Crossway, 2023
160 pages
We all believe that salvation is by faith and grace alone, and yet some of us still walk around feeling like spiritual failures because we could be doing more: more prayer, more evangelism, or even more to remedy society’s pressing issues. But that’s normal, right? Wrong. In this short book, Kevin DeYoung argues that Christianity is not meant to feel impossible. This book reexplains Christianity in a refreshing yet thoroughly biblical way and I commend it to all—especially to those with a more sensitive conscience.
- Jonathan Wood
Summer 2024
Knowing God’s Truth: An Introduction to Systematic Theology
Jon Nielson
Crossway, 2023
320 pages
Many people think of systematic theology as primarily an academic exercise, one full of theoretical arguments and limited relevance to one's daily life. However, Jon Nielson's book shows that for any Christian, knowing more about their God (i.e., theology) not only strengthens a Christian's mind, but also means a joyful engagement with God that deepens our love for Him.
- Kevin Zhang
Spring 2024
Digital Liturgies: Rediscovering Christian Wisdom in an Online Age
Samuel D. James
Crossway, 2023
208 pages
Quit Instagram. Take a digital sabbath. Samuel D. James doesn’t advocate for ANY of these solutions in this short and accessible book. Rather, this book is about how to live wisely, given the formative power of the web. He points to five “liturgies” of technology and how it has already shaped how we think and feel. In other words, TikTok isn’t simply a neutral tool; it changes your soul. So put down the phone, and pick up this book, that you may live wisely in this digital age!
- Stephen Chen
Winter 2023
The Company We Keep: In Search of Biblical Friendship
Jonathan Holmes
Cruciform Press, 2014
122 pages
We have so many ways to connect with others these days, but the reality is that many of us still long for deeper friendships. This is especially true when it comes to our relationships within the church. In The Company We Keep, Jonathan Holmes provides a vision for biblical friendships among believers. This short, easily accessible book guides you to Scripture and offers practical suggestions for cultivating gospel-centered friendships.
- Daniel Chan
Fall 2023
Overcoming Apathy: Gospel Hope for Those Who Struggle to Care
Uche Anizor
Crossway, 2022
185 pages
Overcoming Apathy is short enough for the apathetic to finish, practical enough for meaningful change. Anizor’s definition of apathy is clear and concise, carefully differentiating it from depression. There’s neither brow-beating, shaming, nor furious exhortations—just a gospel-centered approach for anyone struggling with apathy in their spiritual life.
- Stephen Chen
Summer 2023
Surviving Religion 101: Letters to A Christian Student on Keeping the Faith in College
Michael J. Kruger
Crossway, 2021
272 pages
Many colleges make it difficult for Christians to thrive in their faith especially when professors make it a point to discredit Scripture and the reliability of the Bible. In this work, Michael J. Kruger gives several short, concise, and helpful chapters to address common objections students may hear on their college campuses regarding God and the Bible. Though the title targets college students, this book can equip Christians in every stage of life as it addresses controversial topics such as hell, evil, contradictions in the Bible, homosexuality, and miracles. Christianity is not an unreasonable faith, Scripture is not unreliable, and God is not a barbarian. This book is a useful tool to assure believers of these truths and to help answer opponents in love. You can read this book from cover to cover or you can read each chapter as standalones. Whatever you decide, it is a straightforward and beneficial read.
- Ryan Choy
Spring 2023
Untangling Emotions
J. Alasdair Groves and Winston T. Smith
Crossway, 2019
225 pages
What do we do with our emotions? Do we squash them and try to shelve them away? What if our emotions overwhelm us? What do our emotions say about us? Groves and Smith provide a practical and biblical introduction when we are not sure what to do with our feelings. This book is invaluable for those who desire to compassionately guide others who are struggling with their feelings, and required reading for the Christian to understand and engage their emotions for the glory of God.
- Stephen Chen
Exploring the Bible: A Bible Reading Plan for Kids
David Murray
Crossway, 2017
224 pages
While there are many Christian resources out there for children, it’s harder to find ones that help them engage directly in reading the word of God. Thankfully, David Murray has helped fill that need! He has created a reading plan targeted at kids ages 6-12 that takes them through the Bible over the course of a year, one day at a time. Exploring the Bible, along with its sequel, Meeting with Jesus, features daily Bible passages, prayer points, memory verses, age-appropriate questions, and even space for sermon notes. Based on personal experience with our own children, it’s a great way to help kids begin reading Scripture for themselves!
- Daniel Chan
FALL 2022
Christianity Explained: Share The Christian Message One To One From The Gospel Of Mark
Michael Bennet
The Good Book Company, 2021
68 pages
Christianity Explained can help believers reach their neighbors and those who have little to no understanding of Jesus, the Bible and the Gospel. Both practical tips and a simple curriculum with six studies through the Gospel of Mark are provided. Though the material is simple, it is biblical and creative in its approach as an evangelistic small group study. While many of us know the call to reach the lost, sometimes we desire tools to get us going. Christianity Explained is a resource that believers can look to in their endeavor to reach the lost for Christ.
- Ryan Choy
Summer 2022
Charity and Its Fruits: Christian Love as Manifested in the Heart and Life
Jonathan Edwards
Banner of Truth, 1969
368 pages
Comprising 15 sermons preached by Edwards on 1 Corinthians 13:1—10, this is a must read for any Christian. Written around the time of the Great Awakening, it is warm and accessible. More importantly, its truths and applications are essential for our fractured age. Each chapter is a challenge to both the grumbling Christian and the contented one. The last chapter, “Heaven is World of Love” is beautiful and stirring, and worth its weight in gold. After finishing this volume, I wanted to read each sermon in toto from the pulpit!
- Stephen Chen
Spring 2022
Men and Women in the Church: A Short, Biblical, Practical Introduction
Kevin DeYoung
Crossway, 2021
178 pages
As the roles of men and women continue to be debated and deconstructed in the public sphere, there is a pressing need for straightforward, biblical truth concerning the roles of men and women in the church. DeYoung is clear and gracious as he presents the case for complementarianism by walking through key passages from Scripture and answering common objections. Along the way, he provides several helpful suggestions for pursuing a biblical vision of manhood and womanhood in our day and age. If you’re looking for an accessible introduction to complementarianism, this is it!
- Daniel Chan
Winter 2021
The Peacemaker
Ken Sande
Baker Books, 2004 (3rd edition)
321 pages
In a time where conflict is everywhere; between family members or friends, at our workplaces, in airplanes and restaurants, even in the church, The Peacemaker is an essential read for all believers in Christ. While this book is not new, it is still very relevant, biblically based and full of godly and practical wisdom. This book helps us to remember the Four G's: Glorify God, Get the log out of your eye, Gently restore, and Go and be reconciled.
- Andrew Ho
Fall 2021
Remember Death: The Surprising Path to Living Hope
Matthew McCullough
Crossway, 2018
191 pages
Cancer, COVID, and the common cold. These are all reminders that a casket awaits all humanity. Yet how easily we brush off the inevitable and live like immortals! McCullough’s meditation on death is a much-needed book for young and old alike, teaching us that thinking of death allows one to live with less fear, with more wisdom, and with more hope.
- Stephen Chen
Summer 2021
Confronting Injustice without Compromising Truth: 12 Questions Christians Should Ask About Social Justice
Thaddeus J. Williams
Zondervan, 2020
261 pages
Writing on perhaps one of the most polarizing issues of our day, Thaddeus Williams poses twelve questions for Christians ready to walk down the road of social justice. Though a proponent of social justice, Williams nevertheless critiques its modern movement and how it can be at odds with the gospel. Though some might equivocate over the “what about” arguments presented, and Christians will still be wondering, “how should we respond,” this is a winsome book that is well-researched and helpful for any who are willing to change their thinking about our modern zeitgeist.
- Stephen Chen
Spring 2021
On the Road with Saint Augustine: A Real-World Spirituality for Restless Hearts
James K. A. Smith
Brazos Press, 2019
240 pages
What’s going on when I feel restless? What do I want when I desire to feel free, or be noticed? What’s in my heart when I long to change the world, or hunger for intimacy? These are some of the questions James K. A. Smith attempts to answer through the timeless wisdom of Saint Augustine. Smith brings this African bishop to life for the modern reader, offering a fresh articulation of Christianity while addressing some of our deepest hungers, fears, and hopes.
- Stephen Chen
Winter 2020
Adopted for Life: The Priority of Adoption for Christian Families and Churches
Russell Moore
Crossway, 2015
256 pages
Why would I take a stranger into my family and make him my own son? Why would God? Intertwining scripturally rich exposition of the doctrine of adoption with poignant anecdotes from his own family’s adoption, Russell D. Moore invites us to examine these questions in the light of the gospel. Readers will see the glorious opportunity to bear our Father’s image and become parents to the fatherless, and learn to cry with deepened joy, “Abba! Father!” Few books have stirred my heart and mind like Adopted for Life, and I commend it to all who have been adopted into God’s family through Christ.
- Jemmin Chang
Fall 2020
Gentle and Lowly: The Heart of Christ for Sinners and Sufferers
Dane Ortlund
Crossway, 2020
224 pages
What a rich and delightful book! Dane Ortlund does a fantastic job of helping us meditate on the compassionate and caring heart of Jesus. Filled with beautiful Puritan quotes and wonderful descriptions of Christ, Gentle and Lowly is not only for the weary, but anyone who wants to be drawn to Jesus.
- Daniel Chan
Summer 2020
Piercing Heaven: Prayers of the Puritans
Robert Elmer, editor
Lexham Press, 2019
240 pages
We’re all aware that we can grow in prayer. But sometimes practical help seems hard to find. Enter Piercing Heaven, a beautifully bound book of Puritan prayers that have been organized and modernized for our encouragement. Similar to The Valley of Vision, it’s a collection of profound prayers that can be used for devotional study or as a springboard for your personal prayer life. This is one of the books I’ve been reaching for frequently during these days of disruption and uncertainty, and one I anticipate using for many years to come. I trust it will be a helpful, lifelong companion for you as well!
- Daniel Chan
Spring 2020
Confronting Christianity: 12 Hard Questions for the World’s Largest Religion
Rebecca McLaughlin
Crossway, 2019
240 pages
Rebecca McLaughlin’s new book is nothing new. It includes common questions debated before. But this book needed to be written, and it needs to be read. It has been over a decade since Keller’s Reason for God, and there has been a growing need for a fresh voice and conversation in this age of unbelief. Confronting Christianity fills that void. You will reach for this book time and time again as you share with friends looking for an introductory treatment to questions concerning Christianity.
- Stephen Chen
Winter 2019
7 Myths About Singleness
Sam Allberry
Crossway, 2019
175 pages
Wow! I learned so much from Sam Allberry’s latest book. In it, he brings our unspoken assumptions about singleness to the surface and dismantles them with the truth of God’s word. In the process, he drives away the stigma of singleness by showing us how living in Christ is enough. I can’t think of a better resource on this topic. Funny, relatable, biblical, and practical, this a book that I hope all our church—whether single, dating, or married—will read. It will help us understand and love one another better.
- Daniel Chan
FALL 2019
Found: God’s Will
John MacArthur
David C. Cook, 2012
80 pages
Ever struggle to figure out God’s will for your life? Ever wonder if the decision you made is the one that God wanted you to make? If so, Found: God’s Will is for you! In this short, yet immensely helpful book, John MacArthur debunks the notion that the will of God is mysterious or difficult to discover. This is one of my favorite books by my former pastor. The biblical principles in it have given me freedom and confidence in my decision-making time and time again. I’ve recommended this book to many and do so again to you. Read it and be blessed!
- Daniel Chan
Amy Carmichael: Beauty for Ashes
Iain H. Murray
Banner of Truth, 2015
167 pages
Anything written by Iain Murray ought to be read. As evangelicalism’s premier biographer, he has a long legacy of authoring books that look to the past to help us better understand the present. In Amy Carmichael: Beauty for Ashes, Murray adds to his literary works a short, but wonderfully accessible and convicting biography of a determined and dedicated missionary for the Lord. It will, as Patricia MacArthur states in the foreword, “tear at the fabric of our complacency and selfishness.”
- Stephen Chen
The Doctrine of Repentance
Thomas Watson
Banner of Truth, 1668, Reprinted 2009
122 pages
What comes first, faith or repentance? Have I deceived myself into a counterfeit repentance that does not equal biblical repentance? Do I need to repent of my repentance? Thomas Watson tackles such issues in The Doctrine of Repentance with typical aplomb and illustrative style. Don’t be fooled by its title (or cover!). Easy to follow, but to be slowly read, this book deserves your attention as it will sharpen your self-discernment in an age where the words “sin” and “repent” are out of vogue.
- Stephen Chen
The Gospel Comes with a House Key
Rosaria Butterfield
Crossway, 2017
240 pages
The Gospel Comes with a House Key is a practical, heart building book on how Christians can be a powerful gospel witness through the practice of hospitality. Rosaria Butterfield takes the reader into her home as she shares her thought process, stories, and lessons on being a light to her neighbors; warmly encouraging the reader by showing rather than telling. I am so glad Butterfield decided to write this book, as there are not too many books in the area of hospitality. Highly recommended, this book encourages the reader to witness to their neighbors by opening up their doors.
- Ryan Chang
FALL 2018
This is Our Time
Trevin Wax
B&H Publishing Group, 2017
226 pages
Christian books critiquing the culture is nothing new. They have been standard fare since the pilgrims landed on Plymouth. But This is Our Time does something many cultural critiques fail to do: it explains why the gospel is better. The book considers eight cultural myths that speak to us (from smartphones to shopping to sex) and instead of simply condemning, shows how authentic Christianity offers a better answer. A gifted communicator, Wax is a trusted interpreter of our times. But for this book to have its greatest impact, it needs to be read in our day. So, take up and read!
- Stephen Chen
Summer 2018
Holding on to Hope: A Pathway Through Suffering to the Heart of God
Nancy Guthrie
Tyndale Momentum, 2015
208 pages
Holding on to Hope systematically studies Job’s response to suffering through its various phases such as sorrow, worship, despair, and submission. With the loss of our third child, Derrick and I grappled with how to work through grief in a godly way, with hope. I found this book most instructive in the blur of those first weeks. Holding on to Hope is practical and relatable, succinct and easy to read, yet rigorous in its application. The book also comes with a companion 8-week Bible study on the book of Job.
- Janette Chan
Spring 2018
Everyone a Child Should Know
Clare Heath-Whyte & Jenny Brake
10Publishing, 2017
116 pages
Simply written and delightfully illustrated, Everyone a Child Should Know tells 52 fascinating stories of Christian men and women from all walks of life. Heath-Whtye has done an exceptional job of encouraging young children to be friends of Jesus, while also showing how friendship with him can often be very hard. This is a wonderful discipleship resource for any home with young ones. It’s a book that could be read before bed, during family worship, or just for fun. Adults might find themselves more inspired to be a faithful friend of Jesus as well!
– Daniel Chan
Winter 2018
God and the Transgender Debate
Andrew T. Walker
The Good Book Company
144 pages
Andrew Walker's God and the Transgender Debate unpacks an unavoidable topic when sharing Jesus with friends and neighbors. Never has it been more crucial for the Church to exalt Christ in its approach to conversations on gender and sexuality, yet often it's hard to know where to begin! This book equips the reader with clear definitions and truth without sacrificing nuance and compassion. One will be informed, not only on how the Bible addresses gender identity, but challenged with what that means for ourselves, and how our church can better love the LGBT community.
- Ben Bell
Fall 2017
Church History in Plain Language
Bruce L. Shelley
Thomas Nelson, 2013 (4th Edition)
560 pages
For some, the thought of reading a history book for fun might seem like Inquisition-level torture. If that sounds familiar, Church History in Plain Language is for you. The late Professor Bruce Shelley does a great job of highlighting a major theme each chapter, explaining key movements like the Reformation and the Great Awakening, and offering brief biographies of spiritual giants who still influence us today. It's not bogged down with tons of arcane details and dates, but aims to help you see how the Church has both floundered and flourished in times of persecution and prosperity. This is an excellent read for you to gain a fresh perspective on issues facing the Church today and to grow in your gratitude for the saints who God has used to carry the Gospel forward for two thousand years.
- Ben Bell
Summer 2017
Trusting God
Jerry Bridges
NavPress, Reprinted 2017
368 pages
Is God's sovereignty good news? This question lies at the heart of Trusting God, a book born out of an especially difficult time in Jerry Bridges' life. A helpful resource to prepare for the inevitable periods of hardship in life, it also equips readers to care for others navigating adversity on any scale. With a thorough discussion guide at the back, this book could also be a great study with a friend or small group to reflect on God's dominion over everything from politics to people to pain... and how that frees us to trust Him completely.
- Ben Bell
None Like Him
Jen Wilkin
Crossway, 2016
176 pages
Beginning with our birth, one fact is clearly made evident to us: We are not God. However, in so many areas of our lives, we think we are. Or at least, we try to act like Him. In her book, None Like Him, Jen Wilkin explores 10 ways God is infinitely greater than us. In the midst of life’s burdens and worries, Wilkin illustrates how knowing these aspects of God will drive us to a deeper awe and understanding of Him.
- Michael Chan
Winter 2017
The Soul Winner: Advice on Effective Evangelism
Charles H. Spurgeon
Christian Focus, 2008
256 pages
C. H. Spurgeon, oft recognized as the “prince of preachers,” was fiercely evangelistic. Under his ministry, Victorian London saw revival on a scale never seen since. His book, The Soul Winner, isn’t a “step-by-step” process on evangelism, but a collection of lectures meant to encourage the apathetic or timid Christian. Lambasting gimmicks and fads, Spurgeon challenges his readers to be about the business of winning souls with characteristic wisdom and wit.
- Stephen Chen
Fall 2016
Discipling: How to Help Others Follow Jesus
Mark Dever
Crossway, 2016
112 pages
Disciples of Jesus disciple others—this is the premise of Mark Dever’s challenging and immensely practical book, Discipling. Every church should have a culture of being intentional in encouraging and training disciples of Jesus in deliberate, loving relationships. I have waited a long time for a primer like this to put into the hands of every church member. If you are a follower of Christ, read this book and prayerfully apply it!
- Stephen Chen
Summer 2016
Delighting in the Trinity
Michael Reeves
InterVarsity Press, 2012
135 pages
Many are reluctant to ponder the Trinity because it seems like an inaccessible doctrine that is difficult to comprehend. But Delighting in the Trinity is a highly readable, yet theologically substantial book that will cause you to appreciate and worship our Triune God. Weaving together Scripture, historical insights, and apologetic arguments, Michael Reeves shows how the Trinity is absolutely foundational to our Christian faith and how it gives us great reason to rejoice. Highly recommended.
- Daniel Chan
Spring 2016
What Is the Mission of the Church?
Kevin DeYoung & Greg Gilbert
Crossway, 2011
288 pages
God has saved us, but for what purpose? Is it for global renewal through societal and environmental reform? Should we establish God’s kingdom by championing equality and justice? Or are we simply called only to proclaim the Gospel? As a young believer, I never achieved much clarity with these questions. People had different takes on accomplishing “God’s mission” (and they all sounded good!). They also blurted out terms like “kingdom,” “shalom,” and “social justice,” but never defined them the same way. Gilbert and DeYoung’s book is a wonderfully balanced, yet thoroughly biblical attempt at clearing up some of the muddiness of “mission”. Not only did it address my questions, but it also lit in me a fire of optimism for the task at hand. I highly commend it to anyone who seeks to be in sync with God’s mission for the Church.
- Tim Chang
Winter 2016
What's Best Next
Matt Perman
Zondervan, 2014
351 pages
Our culture of work is in a state of flux. New technology is rapidly redefining the who, what, when, where, how, and why of our work, for better and for worse. In our fast-paced, success-driven world, it’s easy to become overwhelmed. Enter Matt Perman's book, What's Best Next: How the Gospel Transforms the Way You Get Things Done. Perman defines productivity from a gospel centered perspective and focuses our hearts and minds on generosity—the key for productivity, meaning, and fulfillment. He offers useful, practical strategies to unleash our effectiveness for not simply our jobs, but everything we do. This is a book you will find yourself referring back to multiple times as you "work" these principles into your life to better live out Christ's call to do good works.
- Sam Ji
Fall 2015
One-to-One Bible Reading
David Helm
Matthias Media, 2011
103 pages
David Helm has provided the church with a wonderfully practical resource that explains how to read the Bible with others for the purpose of evangelism and discipleship. If you’ve ever struggled to use the Scriptures in sharing the gospel or pondered how to make God’s Word a bigger component of your Christian friendships, One-to-One Bible Reading is here to help! The simple principles outlined by Helm should be required learning for all believers. I hope many in our church will read and implement this booklet, and I look forward to the gospel fruit that will result.
- Daniel Chan
Summer 2015
Truth for all Time
John Calvin
Banner of Truth, 1998
90 pages
John Calvin is arguably the most influential theologian in Protestant Church history. He was instrumental in defining and propagating the biblical truths of the Reformation. Though many Christians today hold to the doctrines he championed, few have actually read his writings. This is where the relatively unknown gem, Truth for All Time, fills a needed gap. Written by a 29-year old Calvin for the ordinary person, this brief and warm outline of the Christian faith summarizes the great doctrines contained in his better known (and much longer!) Institutes of the Christian Religion. If you haven't read Calvin before, this is a wonderful way to begin. It is a perfect resource for those new to the faith, yet rich enough to instruct the most seasoned of Christians.
- Daniel Chan
Spring 2015
Finally Free
Heath Lambert
Zondervan, 2013
176 pages
According to a recent survey, ninety percent of children ages 8-16 have viewed porn. Seventy percent of men age 18-34 visit porn sites monthly. One out of every six women struggles with porn addiction. How shall the church respond? Enter Heath Lambert's, Finally Free: Fighting for Purity with the Power of Grace. An Associate Professor of Biblical Counseling at Southern Seminary, Lambert approaches this ugly topic with dignity and a pastor's heart. The book is all about "the amazing power of Jesus Christ to free you from pornography," yet it connects the dots between gospel grace and works so well that it's a must-own book for any Christian. Every chapter of Finally Free digs into one or two biblical texts and pulls the reader into God's vision for sexual health and holiness. Throw away all your other books on the topic. Whether you are struggling with purity or know of someone who does, this book is the one you will want to have on your shelf.
- Stephen Chen
Winter 2015
Taking God at His Word
Kevin DeYoung
Crossway, 2014
144 pages
Kevin DeYoung is one of the finest and clearest evangelical authors of the day. His latest book, Taking God at His Word, is no exception. In eight short chapters, he provides an extremely easy to read, yet comprehensive understanding of the nature and importance of the Bible. This isn't so much a book about how to study the Bible, as it is an engaging and convincing argument for why to study the Bible. In an age when the Bible is being attacked from every conceivable angle, this is a simple book that will assuredly grow your confidence and commitment to God's Word.
- Daniel Chan
Fall 2014
Ten Questions to Diagnose Your Spiritual Health
Donald Whitney
NavPress, 2001
131 pages
All of us periodically take the time out of our busy lives to visit the doctor in order that we might diagnose our overall physical health. The Christian life is no different. The Scriptures exhort us to examine whether or not we are in the faith. Part of this process involves asking the questions that Scripture would ask of us. In Ten Questions to Diagnose Your Spiritual Health, Donald Whitney masterfully probes and challenges the reader to honestly assess where he or she stands relationally before God. Acting like a physician of the soul, Whitney knows the right questions to ask to help us gain an accurate picture of ourselves in light of the Bible. Simultaneously convicting and encouraging,Ten Questions will both prompt you to look unto Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, and encourage you to press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Ten questions, one book. How is your spiritual health doing?
- Ryan Cheung
Summer 2014
The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert
Rosaria Champagne Butterfield
Crown and Covenant, 2012
154 pages
The author of The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert is Rosaria Champagne Butterfield, a woman married to a pastor in the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America, a denomination marked by its practice of singing only unaccompanied metrical psalms in worship. But that's not what makes this autobiography worth reading. What makes it so interesting is the author's career before marriage: she was a successful English literature professor at Syracuse University who specialized in Queer Theory and was herself a committed lesbian. The book is the story of how she came to be who and where she is now. This isn't your grandfather's biography! Providing rich insight of how gays and lesbians perceive Christianity and the "comprehensive chaos" of conversion, this page-turner provides stimulating analyses of both Christian and non-Christian culture. Though there are a few quibbles with what she says, I cannot recommend this book highly enough, and it ought to be required reading for the age in which we live.
- Stephen Chen
Spring 2014
George Whitefield
Arnold Dallimore
Crossway, 2010
224 pages
One of my favorite things to do is read biographies of faithful men and women who have been used greatly by God. Arnold Dallimore's two-volume study of the life and ministry of George Whitefield is simply the best biography I have ever read. Whitefield is perhaps the most dynamic preacher and evangelist to have walked on American soil, and his legacy has been captured in a memorable way by Dallimore, a masterful Christian biographer. In this version, Dallimore has condensed his magisterial work (which is over 1200 pages!) into a much more accessible format that moves quickly and highlights the key events of Whitefield's life. If you love biographies, you need to read this book. If you have never heard of Whitefield, you need to read this book. If you desire to be moved and enthralled by the wonderful ways in which God has worked revival in years gone by, you need to read this book. I trust that you will not be disappointed.
- Daniel Chan
Winter 2014
A Call to Prayer
J. C. Ryle
Banner of Truth, 2005
32 pages
What is the most defining mark of a true Christian? Is it the fact that he or she attends church, reads the Bible, or helps the poor? In this concise pamphlet by renowned Christian author J.C. Ryle, we see that beyond having strong theological foundations, solid relationships with other believers, or consistent church attendance, it is one's prayer life that unmistakably identifies him or her as a Christian. Far from being a legalistic call to spend more time in prayer, Ryle's book encourages us to examine the implications of prayer upon our daily lives, thereby helping us to better examine the depth and authenticity of our Christianity. Whether you are a new or veteran Christian, I would highly recommend this short read, as it will challenge you to grow in your walk with God through cultivating a more disciplined and intentional prayer life.
- Richard Mu
Fall 2013
Is God Anti-Gay?
Sam Alberry
The Good Book Company, 2013
88 pages
There is no getting around the fact that homosexuality is the preeminent social issue facing this generation. From the classroom to the locker room, the conference room to the living room, the playground to the pew, the topic of homosexuality simply cannot be avoided. And yet Christians often seem to be incapable of properly addressing it. Isn't it ok for two people who love each other to be together? Does God really hate gay people? Is there such a thing as a homosexual Christian? Is there anything the church can do? Thankfully, Sam Alberry has written a brief and very readable book that cuts through the confusion and answers these questions with biblical clarity. As a pastor, Sam is theologically grounded and gospel centered. And as one who himself struggles with same-sex attraction, he is also compassionate and sensitive. Is God Anti-Gay? is an outstanding book that I trust will serve you well.
- Daniel Chan
Summer 2013
The Bruised Reed
Richard Sibbes
Banner of Truth, 2008
138 pages
First published in 1630, The Bruised Reed by Richard Sibbes is a Christian classic and rightly so. Meant to encourage the discouraged Christian, it finds its premise in Isaiah 42:3, "A bruised reed shall he not break, and the smoking flax shall he not quench: he shall bring forth judgment unto truth." Sibbes shows how believers are like reeds bruised by sin and like pieces of fibrous flax that are lit by grace, but corrupted with the smoke of sin. Yet while we are weak in our flesh, Christ will not allow us to break or quench the small spark of faith within us. In his writing, Sibbes is gentle, but firm; theological, but also pastoral. If you have struggled with discouragement or simply want to be refreshed by the work of Christ, this book is for you. Though not an easy read, I trust that if you take the time to enjoy this exquisitely prepared meal, you will come away full on biblical truth and satisfied in the sweet work of Christ our Savior.
- Daniel Chan
Spring 2013
Lit! A Christian Guide to Reading Books
Tony Reinke
Crossway, 2011
208 pages
I have loved books ever since I was a child. As a lifelong book lover, I thought that I knew what I needed to know about reading...until I read Lit! A Christian Guide to Reading Books by Tony Reinke. Whether you love to read, hate to read, or are indifferent to it, this book will be helpful to you. Written from a distinctly Christian perspective, this book explains why you should read, what you should read, and how you should read. I encourage you to grab a copy of it...and read it! I trust that you will become a more discerning reader and, more importantly, a more thoughtful Christian because of it.
- Daniel Chan
Winter 2013
The Cross He Bore
Frederick Leahy
Banner of Truth, 1996
100 pages
The Cross He Bore by Frederick Leahy is a powerful collection of meditations on the sufferings of Christ. Through 13 brief chapters, Leahy demonstrates the unique ability to draw out biblical truths surrounding the sacrifice of the Son of God and funnel them through the sieve of a sanctified imagination. The results are profound. This is a book to be read slowly and worshipfully. In his forward, Edward Donnelly writes that "in rereading these chapters, I found myself more than once compelled by emotion to stop - and then to worship." It is my hope that this book will help you to have a deeper appreciation for our Lord and Savior and cause you to stop and worship him.
- Daniel Chan
Fall 2012
Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God
J. I. Packer
IVP Books, 2012
122 pages
Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God is a concise, yet powerful exploration of how the truth that God is in control relates to the responsibility that we have as Christians to share the gospel. J. I. Packer excels at explaining difficult concepts in a way that is easy to understand, logically sound, and biblically supported. Ever wondered how a sovereign God can hold humans responsible for their actions? Interested in learning about what evangelism truly entails? Want a careful example of how to handle theological debate? You will be hard pressed to find a more helpful resource. My hope is that this book will not only help many of you think more deeply about divine realities, but also challenge you to go out and proclaim the majesties of our sovereign God!
- Daniel Chan
Summer 2012
The Unquenchable Flame
Michael Reeves
B&H Academic, 2009
207 pages
The Unquenchable Flame is simply one of the best introductions I have ever read on the Reformation. Reeves. balanced content of history and theology, his bed-time story style of writing that is at times humorous, is a gift to the Church. We are foolish to cut ourselves off from the wisdom and lessons of church history; the spirit and message of the Reformation continue to be the lifeblood of the Church's health today. This easy to read page-turner will not only sharpen the reader's doctrinal precision, but give him or her appreciation of how we are all torchbearers in a long line of godly men and women. It is my prayer that many in our congregation will read this book and as a result, we will not be silent on the gospel of God's gift of righteousness.
- Stephen Chen
Spring 2012
The Gospel and Personal Evangelism
Mark Dever
Crossway Books, 2007
124 pages
The Gospel and Personal Evangelism serves as a powerful tonic to what ails us in our evangelism. In several short chapters, easily accessible to readers of all ages, the book is a shot in the arm, filled with encouragement, instruction, rebuke, and challenge. It is my prayer that many in our congregation will read it and as a result, many more will hear the good news of Jesus Christ.
- Stephen Chen
Winter 2012
The Treasure Principle
Randy Alcorn
Multnomah Books, 2005
128 pages
Randy Alcorn's book, The Treasure Principle, is one that I have unabashedly recommended again and again over the years. Full of biblical principles and memorable statements, Alcorn helps believers unlock the joy of giving by correcting our often misguided perspectives on money and possessions and helping us to embrace giving as a happy honor rather than a dreary duty. Read this book and allow yourself to experience the thrilling delight of biblical giving!
- Daniel Chan