Passage: 1 Corinthians 3:5-15
Speaker: Daniel Chan
The Transforming Power of Scripture
Passage: Psalm 119:97-104
Speaker: Stephen Chen
The Heart of the Harvest
Passage: Matthew 9:35-38
Speaker: Ben Bell
The Joy of A Tested Faith
Passage: James 1: 1-8
Speaker: Ben Bell
A Full Portion
Passage: Psalm 73
Speaker: Tim Jin
Divine Simplicity
Passage: Exodus 3:1-14, Romans 11:36, Hebrews 11:6
Speaker: Eric Chabaneix
Divine Impassibility
Passage: Genesis 6:6, Exodus 3:1-14
Speaker: Eric Chabaneix
Transcendent God
Passage: Genesis 1:1
Speaker: Eric Chabaneix
Dangerous Drifting
Passage: Hebrews 2:1-4
Speaker: Michael Chan
Believe it or Not
Passage: John 11:17-27
Speaker: Stephen Chen
Singing the Lord's Song in a Foreign Land
Passage: Daniel 1:1-8
Speaker: Daniel Bae
The Good Shepherd
Passage: Psalm 23
Speaker: Ryan Cheung
Reborn to Run
Passage: Hebrews 12:1-3
Speaker: Ray Kwan
Grace that is Greater than All Our Sin
Passage: Romans 5:12-21
Speaker: Tim Jin
Lament: A Path to Praise
Passage: Lamentations 5:1-22
Speaker: Michael Chan
Salvation Through Suffering
Passage: Lamentations 4:1-22
Speaker: Michael Chan
Unhappily Ever After (Part 2)
Passage: Revelation 9:1-2 & Selected Verses
Speaker: Chris Gee
Unhappily Ever After (Part 1)
Passages: Revelation 14:10, 20:15, 21:3 & Selected Verses
Speaker: Chris Gee
What Will Heaven Be Like?
Passage: Revelation 21:1-4
Speaker: Chris Gee
Marvel at the Lord
Passage: 2 Thessalonians 1:3-12
Speaker: Ryan Choy